Thanks to the omnipresent cell phone, practically nobody wears a watch to keep dog of time anymore. Simply that doesn't mean you can't even wear a watch to show how fashionably nerdy you are.
Geeky watches are making a rejoinder. For an example of what might be the latest summer fashion trend, you pauperism look no further than the phenomenal success of InPulse's Pebble smartwatch. Pebble is the Kickstarter winner story you Crataegus laevigata experience heard about in the news; it drew a record $7.8 million in backing from backers.
Opposite geek watches that have ready-made news recently are Sony's SmartWatch and a rumored Apple iWatch that could grade-constructed this month. We've amassed 20 geeky watches for this slideshow; some are advanced, some are sexy and stylish, and close to are just plain nerdy.
Phosphor Curved E-Ink World Time Scout
The Phosphor Curved E-Ink World Time watch looks like a typical whole number lookout with a retro-style LED display, except that the display isn't LED–it's E-Ink, the corresponding funky technology that the Amazon Kindle and the Barnes &adenosine monophosphate; Noble Nook utilise. The Phosphor's E-Ink brass allows you to change the take care totally (since the E-Ink is flexible), just you also vex high-demarcation readability and excellent battery aliveness.
Phosphor | $130
Faceless Look on
At first base glance, this watch looks like a natty, stainless steel watchband. But compact a small button along the side and disguised red LEDs will light up between the golf links to display the time. Press another button, and you get the date.
Hammacher Schlemmer | $130
iWatchz Elemental iPod Nano Watch
iPod Nano owners can turn their ordinal-generation Nanos into cool, high-top-tech watches with the iWatchz Elemental Collection bracelet. This milled stainless-steel band securely attaches to your Nano via the Nano's built-in clip.
iWatchz | $90
LED Binary Watch
You may have heard the old joke–there are only ten types of people in the world: those who know binary, and those who don't. Well, use this LED Binary Lookout from ThinkGeek to see whether those jokesters real do do it what they're talking about. The watch has ten dreary LEDs that indicate the binary successiveness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32), and you add up the lit LEDs to determine the meter. The numbers are tagged, however, which makes it a trifle easier.
ThinkGeek | $55
Yamanote Billet Train depot Watch
This watch will delight railfans and Japanese Archipelago fans alike. It's designed to look exactly like a platform sign from Tokyo's iconic train business line, the Yamanote line. The lear features an OLED screen that displays both the time and an arrival announcement for the next train (so it looks as though the next train is forthcoming at whatever time it is).
Japanese Archipelago Veer Shop | $233
Click Computer keyboard Find out
This funky scout looks the like the number pad connected a keyboard. Press any number key and the catch will show you the time away lighting up one number at a time (so 1-1-3-4 is 11:34). To see the see displayed in the same manner, insistence the hashish key.
Watchismo | $90
The Mutewatch is sleek, simple, and oh-so-modern. It features a touchscreen–tap the surface to see the time, and then swipe across to see other functions such as clock, alarm, and timer. You can set ahead an alert past tapping directly on the digits, and you can score out one by pinching the touchscreen. The Mutewatch also has a built-in apparent movement sensing element that enables it to increase the intensity of the vibrating alarm if it senses up levels of apparent motion.
Mutewatch | $259
Caller Gem State Watch
Demented of having to take your phone out of your bag just to visit World Health Organization's vocation you? Pick raised this caller ID watch, and you'll never have to feel at your phone once more (unless, naturally, you really want to use it). This Bluetooth watch vibrates when you receive a call, shows you who's calling, and lets you dull your telephone with the press of a button. It can also vibrate for text messages on certain phones.
ThinkGeek | $80
Kisai Kaidoku LCD Watch over
This precooled watch displays the fourth dimension using row or else of numbers. Sure, it looks complex when you first figure it, but it's actually quite easy: When you press a button, several wrangle flash connected the sort. Scan the words in order, and you take over the time (equal goes for the date stamp).
TokyoFlash | $129
Click Switch Watch
The models in Fall into place's line of Throw watches bid you to get back to the "aureole days" of electronics–back when circuit boards had dip switches and turn switches. These watches have preceding-school circuitboard faces, likewise every bit mechanical switches that activate different functions (date, day of week, time, and indeed on) when flicked and turned.
Watchismo | $100
R2-D2 Remote Control Whizz Picke
Okay, then this isn't the well-nig high-technical school watch of the bunch, but it's still awing–because information technology comes with a miniature remote-controlled R2-D2 figure. The watch acts as the remote manipulate, with two buttons for moving your R2-D2 around.
Virago | $49
HD3 Slyde
Finally–a high-end, intoxicated-technical school watch designed by Jorg Hysek Jr. of Hysek. The HD3 Slyde is a polished, Swiss touchscreen look on that makes the iPod Nano watch take care similar a laugh. The Slyde features a number of gorgeous watch-telephone dial screens that you can purloin to change, as well as other sentinel-correlative screens (including chronograph, calendar, and moon phase index number). The Slyde comes in multiple finishes, just will Set you back a little–the base theoretical account starts at $5000.
Select retailers | $5000+
Sony Ericsson LiveView
The Sony Ericsson LiveView find out is sort of like a watered-down iPod Nano that connects to your Android device. This mini-display can play music, show incoming calls and social network status updates, and connect to the Android Market (Google Play) for additional apps.
Amazon | $50
Kisai RPM LED Follow
The Kisai RPM LED watch has a cool down, futurist design. The watch has a even stainless sword disc at the center of its face, with cardinal LED-aflame rings around the edge. The inner ring indicates hours, and the outermost ring indicates transactions in groups of five (the upper side five small dots represent individual minutes).
TokyoFlash | $199
Ibiza Ride Watch
Here's another look out that's difficult for the primitive eyeball to read. The Ibiza Ride Watch has 29 small LEDs that light to show the time and date. The first tower indicates hour, the second column indicates tens of minutes, and the tertiary column indicates single minutes.
Watchismo | $189
SleepTracker Elite Sleep Monitoring Lookout
Ostracize spoiled mornings with SleepTracker's Elite sleep-monitoring lookout. This picke uses SleepTracker's SmartStart Technology to analyze your sleep throughout the dark and so wake up you up at your "True Optimal Time." According to the company, the SleepTracker Elite group is unlike other products, which supposedly just wake you up when they detect movement.
SleepTracker | $149
Plessey EPIC Heart Monitor Wristwatch
Plessey Semiconductors has studied a small wristwatch-size heart rate monitor based happening its EPIC sensor engineering. This isn't really a view at all–it's a heart-rate monitor that records electrocardiograph (ECG) signals when you trace the top electrode with your finger. Plessey has likewise designed a version that will will strap just about the upper arm and provide continuous nitty-gritt-grade monitoring.
Currently unavailable
Qlocktwo W
Here's another funky watch that uses words instead of numbers to display time. The Qlocktwo W, designed by Biegert & Funk, features a 110-letter grid that lights up in unexpected places to describe–yes, "describe"–the clock. For example, if IT's 12:30, your watch may say "It is incomplete past twelve." The Qlocktwo W comes in English and German versions.
Visible in Fall 2012
Sony SmartWatch
Sony's Mechanical man-powered, Bluetooth-enabled SmartWatch is the company's update to the LiveView (or, something comparable that). This tiny, Nano-like watch lets users record text messages, email messages, and condition updates, and (of course) see WHO's calling. The watch connects to Google Play, where you can download additional apps.
Sony | $150
inPulse Pebble
It looks as though people are real into this smartwatch idea–startup Allerta recently raised all over $6.7 million on Kickstarter for its Pebble keep an eye on project. The Pebble testament cost a customizable, iOS- and Android-compatible, e-paper watch, whole with extra displays and apps for download. It wish enable users to check electronic mail, incoming calls, calendar alerts, position updates, and weather, among other things.
inPulse | $99+
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